VMI Properties

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About Us

Dennis & Norma Henson
Vanguard Marketing and Investments, Inc.

About Dennis

Dennis Henson is a full-time real estate investor, author and mentor in Arlington, Texas. He is the president of Vanguard Marketing and Investments, Inc. and “AREA” real estate investors group. Dennis has a B.S. Degree from Jacksonville State University and Master’s Degree from Mississippi State University. He purchased his first investment property in Georgia in 1971 and has owned numerous properties throughout the Southern United States. He has taken numerous courses by real estate gurus including John Schaub, Robert Allen, Carleton Sheets, Wade Cook, Russ Whitney, Dolf de Roos, Mike Summey,Roger Dawson, Bill Barnett and many others. He enjoys investing in real estate, working with new and experienced investors and developingnew investing strategies. His years of experience, constant study and love for teaching have made him an excellent author, speaker and mentor.

About Norma

Norma Henson and her husband Dennis are full time Real Estate Investors and Norma handles all the financial aspects of their Company. She is the CFO of Vanguard Marketing and Investments, Inc. in Arlington, Texas and the Organizer of the HEB Real Estate Investors Group in Bedford, Texas. She also serves on the boards of AREA ( Arlington Real Estate Association of Investors) and several other real estate Investment organizations in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas Area. Norma Holds a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s of Science from The University of the Americas in Chemical Engineering and a Masters Degree in Information Technology from The University of North Texas. Her knowledge of software and media are invaluable to VMI and the real estate groups she heads.

Please send us an email to dennis@vmiproperties.com fill out the information form at the bottom of the page to get started or for more information. Thank you for visiting our website and I hope you will return often to take advantage of our many great offers.

— Norma Henson

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